Custom optics

The supply of custom optics to manufacturers is the core of our business.
Sourcing custom optics can be daunting - there are many different factories in many countries, and all have their own specialities and peculiarities. We have over 45 years experience with optical manufacture, both working with manufacturers globally and manufacturing in-house.

Our customers come to us because we provide a reliable, accountable and adaptable single source of supply for a wide range of custom optical components.


Exact capabilities can be difficult to define, but a list of typical specifications we manufacture to can be found on the links below.  


Kaleidoscopic approach

We have a many-faceted approach to custom optics. 


Aristotelian quality

According to Aristotle, quality is not an act; it is a habit. Enough said. 



Our in-house, prototype optical manufacturing cell. 



Control your orders online. Simple, flexible and reliable. 


Design for manufacture

From prototype to production; a seamless transition.


Sourcing savvy

Global sourcing to get you the right product, within budget, on time. 

On a plate

Custom service. What are your unique requirements?